Between the Lions Wiki

The Vowelles: bug (EKA: Episode 44: Bug Beard)

If you can read: ug

Albriecht: Albriecht Roser the pup and the bug (EKA: Episode 44: Bug Beard)

14 Karat Soul: short u (EKA: [[Episode 44: Bug Beard])

Word Stage: hum, hug, tug, tuck

Fred Says: stuck

Get your mouth moving: short u

Gawain's Word: jump (EKA: Episode 32: Humph! Humph Humph!)

Teresa Wheatherspoon: jump (EKA: Episode 44: Bug Beard)

Ball Metal Words: jump, hump, hum, yum,

Little Wendy Tales: Let's Eat

Vanessa Williams: bunny
